Craigslist Ad Exposes Tonight’s Trump Event Had PAID ACTOR PROTESTERS!

Craigslist Ad Exposes Trump Event Had PAID ACTOR PROTESTERS hired by DNC and Soros!

Breaking News By TruthFeedNews


Well well well, look what is going viral on Twitter.

And who is paying them?

Chances are the same person who always is – George Soros.

From DailyCaller

Leading anti-Trump activists backed by major Democratic donors including George Soros are mobilizing large numbers of protesters ahead of President Trump’s rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, with the intention of stealing the spotlight from the president’s event.

Local leaders of Indivisible, one of many “resistance” protest groups formed as a direct response to Trump’s election, are organizing thousands of protesters associated with a coalition of left-wing groups ahead of Tuesday’s event. In addition to organizing mass protests outside the rally, Indivisible is encouraging protesters to register for tickets for the rally itself, increasing the likelihood that protesters will disrupt Trump’s speech, as often happens at Trump’s rallies.

Although originally founded by activists not backed by donors, Indivisible’s website now states that the group “is a project of the Advocacy Fund,” a progressive advocacy group that receives money from the Open Society Policy Center, an arm of Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

That revelation follows USA Today’s reporting in May that leaders of Indivisible and Women’s March met with Democracy Alliance, a Soros-led network of left-wing donors, to discuss funding options.



  1. Joyce

I am not surprised.


August 23, 2017

Seriously, do you believe this is a legitimate ad? I’m Trump all the way, but this ad is almost too much. Has there been any legitimate research into the individuals whom placed the ad? Did any of those who “investigated” the legitimacy of the ad actually apply for a position? If so, why aren’t we reading about those people?
But if all we’ve got is this Craigslist post which anyone can do anonymously, it’s just way too “Onionish” for me.


August 23, 2017

  1. Anne

Agree laportama, besides the right just doesn’t have that personality make up, they weren’t born to be angry all the time. They are busy working full time jobs, cooking dinners, helping kids with homework, taking them to soccer paractice, Girl Scouts, choir practice.
Where do these Liberal protestors get all this free time?


August 22, 2017

  1. bg9g1

that was a Soros ad..


August 22, 2017

  1. JRC1

See something say something.


August 22, 2017

  1. JRC1

Paid protesting is not Free Speech, and Right of Assembly. Payment for an action makes a professional. Subject to IRS form 1099, state/local business license &lease of gathering space. Forward to the IRS, the state corp commission, city council, all videos, state police chief (payment due for security), and keep it going.
See something do something.


August 22, 2017

  1. Pop

Make sure to sign


August 22, 2017

  1. Lady Ela

Oops forgot to add…gee hope someone is watching this group’s 501C status?? They are paying protestors…is that NON-PROFIT CHARITY???? According to the IRS code they must register as a 527 entity since they are political organization!!! 501C is for a charity.


August 22, 2017

  1. Lady Ela

Indivisible is founded by Angel Padilla and ex-democratic aides Ezra Levin , Leah Greenberg, Jeremy Haile. They have a website and many groups organizing around the country. Sounds like a great idea to start organizing Trump supporters that way too. Thanks for the idea Indivisible.